Sunday, October 29, 2006

Continued Studies; 02/24/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


I happened upon another thought toward methods in which to establish real value for the virtual realm. This thought was pertaining to the employ of a similar system as I have explained, but using the area of popular music as well as its various fan base combinations.

This would provide for a dichotomy within the dynamic of "performer/fan base" which would possibly be more versatile than the previous example - given the various aspects of motion within such relationships and that there is a "two way" relationship also between modern popular performers (and even not so popular performers), which might lend flexibility to the desired result provided "both sides" of that barrier participated in something similar in structure to the example previously presented.

The "motion" between performers, and between performers and the variations and intermixed fan bases could prove a usable social dynamic.

It seems that this would give for more versatility within the vast many different performers as well as their fan bases - taking into account conceivably as yet another attribute, the interaction having been mentioned of those various fan bases.

I will most likely again touch on this subject in the future. ~

Another thought has occurred to me regarding the saturation of modern technology in every day life, being that once it is that such man made standards are solidified as unsurpassable - we then have limited the infinite capabilities and capacities of even human cognitive thought.

Once such standards become the "outer most," it is then all that can ever be so to speak - further tightening that bottle neck within the narrow scope (comparatively) of reality and existence which it is of.

A person can easily see the effects of this tendency within the motion and development of society, and more readily within the dynamic of its governing body. Especially as more and more becomes relegated to automation within such technological "advance."

Again, I do not propose to rail against modern technology - such would be outright folly at best and greater farce than is insisting it is of the "outer most" of existence - only that I see what may be a wiser path ( no big surprise or accomplishment, I am sure) in ceasing the attempt at cramming "one into the other" so to speak.

The limitations such would (and does) produce in surrendering all to such machinery - produces the social rigor mortise which humans have seen so many times before with the fall of societies and cultures - though- in this version, it has been imposed artificially. ~

In my studies, I am now reading some of Montesquieu's essays, and find inspiration in his works on "pleasures."

He states, in a paraphrase that essentially humans organize chaos to their own ends. He refers to art as well as nature in giving example of this innate tendency. ("chaos" of course being a subjective description of entirely human origin - that obviously there is no such thing as "chaos" beyond human perception, within nature).

What I understand his gist to mean, is that we as creatures seek to find order of some sort, even in the purposefully chaotic - those situations purposefully designed of human effort to be chaotic. What I think this actually means more in depth, is that chaos is sorted in a multitude of ways, into what is perceived as immediate order of some sort - given and from the perspective of each individual.

Factually, as we have seen through out history - even that tendency to organize, if left to its natural inclinations - will still eventually only yield a different type of chaos. If left unchecked, it progresses only to different forms of its former self in successions - which essentially is all that we know of reality anyhow. We only exist within certain "stop points" of that process - that progressing chaos so to speak - as again with each individual and a different order - perspective. Such goes with generations and that cumulative perspective, as well.

All that we entail and are of, is simply a procession of different levels and arrangements of said "chaos," disorganization (that "natural state of things) transformed temporarily (and subjectively) with our effort and perceived existence.

Again, I see the very firm indications of that larger process I have attempted to describe in my observations and within the idea of Proximity Gestation.

Politically, within my belief - the proper use of that concept involving the "Third Degree Of Civilization," makes productive use of that natural motion as well as our natural inclinations toward corruptions and organizing into a given, perceived order. it provides the checks and balances to stave off the "return" to "chaos" through "over-organizing" as well.

Again, both politically and socially - said mechanism is rather efficient provided it isn't FORCED into any predisposed leanings or usage, toward previous results for instance.

This isn't to say that similar positive results cannot occur as per previous results - only that such desired results and out comes cannot be force-ably reproduced or attained - as with all else, that mechanism is subject to the subtle degrees of progress within existence.

At best, such forced result seems always to end with some labor some farce, void of any true values within either "order" or productivity.

As with different people and their perspectives when viewing a contrived confusion or that natural disorder within the order of nature do find different results in prioritizing such "organization" and perceived "order" - so is that within the mechanism I speak of, and that which I feel it was designed to accommodate and even unify to a great extent in an acceptable manner, yielding a symmetry which is acceptable and very much in relation with the unique aspects of current surroundings which most influence the initial inputs - and represents their variety in various forms.


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